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Proposals (Projects)

We organize Projects all around Northern Uganda (Yumbe District)

17 July, 2020
 Construction of Study Centers
  1. Lodonga Primary School.
  2. Lodonga Girls Secondary School.
  3. Lodonga Boys College
  4. Lodonga Muslim Teacher Training College.


29 June, 2020

The storeyed mosque with its components (offices; Muslim converts Centre for training and teaching new Muslims the basics of Islam and the respect Islam holds towards other religions as a means for the new Muslims to know their primary responsibilities and duties as Muslims.

5 May, 2020

We recognize the importance of empowering the youth by providing hands-on skills and leadership training. We aim to nurture a new generation of confident, responsible, and capable individuals who can contribute positively to both their religious communities and the broader society. 

5 April, 2020

The hospital will serve the local community, providing access to quality healthcare services for residents, irrespective of their background or faith.

 The hospital typically embraces an inclusive approach, welcoming patients from diverse backgrounds and religions.

10 March, 2020

 The institution combines nursing and midwifery education with an adherence to Islamic principles. This school plays a crucial role in training healthcare professionals who are not only competent in their medical skills but also grounded in ethical values guided by Islamic teachings.

3 March, 2020

Lodonga Muslim Center is guided by the principles of community service and social responsibility in Islam, and we often initiate projects that contribute to the well-being of the communities in West Nile. The installation of water reservoirs, solar panels, and generators are noteworthy examples of such projects.  

5 April, 2020

These workshops create opportunities for entrepreneurs to establish businesses related to woodworking, welding, fabrication, electric wiring, and mechanical repairs.

affordable services for community members, contributing to cost savings for individuals and businesses.

Generate employment within the community, providing job opportunities for skilled workers and technicians.

10 March, 2020

Longa Muslim Center plans to be involved in farming and agriculture extending impact beyond our immediate communities. We Plan to engage in educational programs to share agricultural knowledge, conduct workshops on sustainable farming practices, and encourage environmental conservation. Through these initiatives, we seek to empower community members with the skills needed for responsible land stewardship, ensuring the long-term sustainability of agricultural endeavors.

3 March, 2020

Commercial centers are Planned to serve as dynamic hubs that contribute to both economic development and community welfare. These centers will house a variety of businesses, ranging from retail outlets and restaurants to service providers and professional offices. The development of these commercial spaces reflects a commitment to fostering entrepreneurship within the Muslim community and beyond. By providing a platform for local businesses to thrive, these centers not only stimulate economic growth but also create job opportunities, contributing to the financial well-being of individuals and families in the regions of northern Uganda.

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