100+ projects across Nothern Uganda

Lodonga Islamic Center

for Education(DAWA), Economic and Social Services

According to the facts on the ground, Muslims in the West Nile and Northern Uganda regions lag in infrastructural development, especially in the areas of education, health, and agriculture. They have poor institutions with low or poor service delivery, and these institutions are established on small lands.

West Nile is grappling with malnutrition, poverty, and diseases that affect the health and productive ability of the people. Some diseases necessitate referrals abroad or to hospitals in the capital city, Kampala.

The entire West Nile region and South Sudan lack a first-world-class hospital, and the need for one is paramount. This hospital should have multi-specialty capabilities, medical experts, and the latest Hi-Tech equipment.

Essentially, the people of South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo depend on Uganda for better education and healthcare services.

Uganda’s Education system, traditional schools are founded by the churches, save a few in southern Uganda which is over 700 miles away from the Yumbe District in the west Nile region a district which is 99% Muslim and the biggest number of Muslims that spread over in the whole of the greater northern Uganda originate from Yumbe district.

The current Lodonga Islamic Centre was founded in 1989 and registered in 1991 as revolutionary Islamic propagation then later Islamic cultural heritage and owned land 121 hectares in 1991 making the Centre the biggest Muslim landlord in the whole of greater Northern Uganda.


Our Mision

To speak for the underprivileged and voiceless communities and help improve their education, health, and socio-economic challenges especially the minority Muslims, Muslims converts and refugees

According to the facts on the ground Muslims in west Nile and Northern Uganda regions lag behind in infrastructural development especially in areas of education, health and agriculture. They have poor institutions with low or poor service delivery besides the institutions are established on small lands.

Our Objectives
  1. Social Justice: Advocacy for social justice and equality based on Islamic principles. This involves addressing issues such as poverty, inequality, and discrimination within the community and society at large.

  2. Community Service: Encouragement of community service and charitable activities. Muslims are often urged to engage in acts of kindness, charity, and assistance to those in need as part of their religious duty.

  3. Inclusivity: Promoting an inclusive and welcoming environment within the Muslim community, as well as fostering positive relations with people of other faiths and backgrounds.

  4. Education: Emphasizing the importance of education and knowledge, both religious and secular, as a means of personal and community development.

  5. Ethical Business Practices: Encouraging ethical business practices in accordance with Islamic principles, such as honesty, fairness, and avoiding exploitation.

  6. Civic Engagement: Encouraging Muslims to actively participate in civic and political life, promoting responsible citizenship and contributing to the betterment of society.

  7. Family Values: Emphasizing the importance of strong family values and community support systems.

Come join us

Invite (All) to the way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; (16:125)


Constraction of A "GATED MUSLIM MISSION VILLAGE" with all quality basic social amenities revolving around the Mission.
Project that would be the first of its kind in the history of the DOWN TRODDEN MUSLIMS in West Nile Region.

17 July, 2020
  • The Comunity mosque with its components (offices; Muslim converts Centre for training and teaching new Muslims the basics of Islam and the respect Islam holds towards other religions as a means for the new Muslims to know their primary responsibilities and duties as Muslims.
29 June, 2020

The MULTI SPECIALTY LODONGA HOSPITAL run by highly skilled medical consultants and specialists besides the hospital shall be equipped with the latest medical Hi-Tech rendering one of the best healthcare services hence becoming a referral not only in Uganda but the entire Great Lakes Region. The hospital is expected to have 200 beds.

5 May, 2020

Lodonga Islamic institute, expected student population is 500. The institute shall offer sciences, Islam, Islamic theology and Art subjects. If constructed will be the first of its kind in northern Uganda. The aim is to lay a Foundation for future sheikhs and Shekats to have double or more professions so that their entire livelihood does not depend on the mosque cash collections which has been source of conflict in many mosques in Uganda.

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